23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

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Üniversite birinci sınıfta, üzerinde ne yazdığına hiç dikkat etmeden aldığım bir tişörtün, yıllar sonra “acaba ne yazıyormuş” diye baktığımda farkına vardığım, kutsal kitap öğütleri niteliğinde bir kaç cümle..

Walk in Silence

Don't forget that you find peace in it

Try to be Friendly to anyone

Never Surrender talk smooth

Open and understandable

Listen People Even you think that they are

Fool or Uneducated

Don't Forget that every of us has an own story

in this world

Try to get utmost enjoyment

of your success

deal with your job even its small

make sure that it's your base

be as you are!

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